
Miami Condo Investing Club™

Miami Condo Expert Peter Zalewski is a former journalist and current consultant who has focused on the South Florida condo market for more than 30 years. Along the way, Zalewski has worked and appeared with many of the industry’s biggest players in the South Florida condo market.

If South Florida real estate is your profession, hobby or sport, Peter Zalewski is an expert you need to follow whether you are a bull or bear in your outlook for the Miami condo market.

Peter has built a reputation for talking straight to investors, lenders and developers about the South Florida condo market since launching Condo Vultures® in 2006.

For nearly 20 years, Peter - who was a financial journalist reporting on the South Florida economy for 13 years prior to launching Condo Vultures® - has been the go-to source for investors, journalists and Wall Street fund managers who are trying to better understand the volatile Miami condo market.

For the first-time ever, Peter is streamlining his businesses using the state-of-the-art Substack infrastructure to provide a single source for all text, audio, video and virtual events created by his team.

The objective of the Club is to build a community to share realtime, actionable information on the latest real estate trends in Miami.

The Club is also ideally situated for Do-It-Yourself (DIY) condo buyers and real estate agents, alike, who can rely on our latest statistics, expert opinions and access to consulting services in the wake of the NAR commission settlement

Club members will also be invited to attend virtual and in-person events designed to advance your understanding of the South Florida real estate market.

The Club’s Monthly Meetings are held from Noon (EST) to 1.15 pm on the second Wednesday of every month. Here is a list of the scheduled monthly meetings in 2024-25 South Florida Winter Buying Season:

The Monthly Meetings are scheduled for the second Wednesday of every month from Noon (EST) to 1.15 pm.

Besides access to all reports, charts and Monthly Meetings, the Club also hosts regular MeetUp events for members to talk shop, pitch their services and discuss the latest trends they are witnessing in the trenches of Miami’s volatile condo market.

The MeetUp events are scheduled from 5.30 pm to 8 pm on the third Tuesday of every month in Greater Downtown Miami during the 2024-25 South Florida Winter Buying Season.

As with the Monthly Meetings, the Meetup events are exclusively for members of the Miami Condo Investing Club™.

MeetUps are scheduled from 5.30 pm to 8 pm on the third Tuesday of every month during the South Florida Winter Buying Season from November 2024 through April 2025.

For those wanting even more access, the Founders Club membership offers Text/WhatsApp/email access to Peter Zalewski, an hour of consulting ($700 value) and an invitation to all of the Private Lunch Seminars with experts to discuss the latest condo trends and topics.

The Private Seminars are a two-hour box lunch with an expert discussing the latest South Florida condo trends and topics.

The Club offers these two different types of membership:

Join The Club

To join the Club, membership costs $34.99 monthly or $374.99 annually (11 percent discount).

As a Club member, you will get the following:

  • Proprietary reports, charts and archives (Full Access);

  • Monthly Virtual Meetings on the second Wednesday of every month;

  • Monthly Meetup events during the Winter Buying Season;

  • And discounts on paid events, including Miami Condo Correction Tours.

Join The Club

Join The Founders Club

If you want more, please consider joining as a Founders Club member for $3,749.99 annually. As a Founders Club member, you will receive:

  • Proprietary reports, charts and archives (Full Access);

  • Monthly Virtual Meetings on the second Wednesday of every month;

  • Monthly Meetup events during the Winter Buying Season;

  • Discounts on paid events, including Miami Condo Correction Tours;

  • Monthly Private Lunch Seminars during Winter Buying Season;

  • Text/WhatsApp/email access to Peter Zalewski;

  • And one hour of consulting annually with Peter Zalewski (valued at $700).

Join the Founders Club

We crunch a lot of statistics each week and then publish the results byway of a series of reports posted on

If you want the reports emailed to you, just sign up for the Miami Condo Market Intelligence Report With Peter Zalewski™ newsletter at: MiamiCondo.Club

Additionally, we encourage you to listen or view our podcast wherever you get podcasts. The podcast is available on Apple, Spotify and/or YouTube.

As a reminder, we are always available for consulting, expert witness work and buyside brokerage services just as we have been since 2006.

If you are seeking information on condo resales in South Florida, please visit or call the office at 305.865.5859.

This information is provided for general informational purposes only, based on research, personal experience and interviews. It should not be considered legal advice, as we are not attorneys. While believed to be accurate and complete, this information is provided "as is" without warranty or guarantee of any kind.

Copyright © 2024 Condo Vultures®, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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